It is with our deepest sorrow that we announce the passing of Ervin “Butch” Reyburn. We here at the Bear Valley Springs Association had the privilege of working with Butch for the past several years as he earnestly served this community as the President, Vice-President and Chairperson of not only the Board of Directors but several Board Advisory committees. Among other things, we will miss his laugh and antics. Our hearts go out to Karen, his dear wife of over 60 years and the rest of his family. We remain thankful to have spent much time together with Butch over the past 2 decades and will learn from his example. He cared so much for this community. Please join us as we mourn his passing. We know a number of you were his dear friends and so we remember and mourn with you in this loss of our friend.
With Deepest Sympathy, The Bear Valley Springs Association Board of Directors