Develop a community in BVS that can promote neighborly goodwill through a shared interest in dance. Meet weekly at the OTCC to dance, laugh, and support our amenities with food/beverage purchases after class. Teach basic swing dance and the etiquette of social dance.
BVS Veteran's Association
Jed Hannan
BVS Wildlife Coalition
The Bear Valley Springs Wildlife Coalition mission is to promote a community that lives in harmony with nature by protecting and preserving wildlife and their habitat through education and community outreach. Go to our website at for more up to date information.
Bear Valley Aquatics Club
Kimberly Clow
A non-profit club with Bear Valley residents who pursue health & wellness at the Bear Valley Pool through water-related activities. Our intent is to promote responsible use and improvement of the BVS Pool Off Season for recreation and fitness designated for lap swimmers and off-season water aerobics.
Bear Valley Springs 4H
Ruben Felix
Kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
Bear Valley Springs Astronomy Club
Interim President - Claude Plymate; Interim Secretary - Anya Norton
The BVSAC has been formed to bring together interested people to enjoy the beautiful night skies of our valley. The Club is open to people at every level – from complete beginners to astronomy professionals. We plan to have regular meetings and star parties, and numerous public events throughout the year. We also want to educate our residents about the advantages of keeping our skies naturally dark.